Monday, April 26, 2010

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Desmond Dekker

I bought some of the MC mastercut cds that were on sale in FOPP. they were there to catch your eye on the counter as you went up to pay. They've changed the listing on the Desmond Dekker cd that I was listening to this morning. I haven't looked at the others so I don't know if that's true for all of them.


Sometimes the page doesn't load all the pictures. If this happens don't just refresh it but close the page and start again cause the little window doesn't always load properly if you just refresh the page when you click on the name under the pictures.

Listening to Desmond Dekker took me back across the years to the times I used to go out with Sue and my mod friends. I could see her dancing in my mind as the music played. I led a kind of double sub culture life, happily going to The Lyceum and The Roundhouse and places like that and then off with Sue and people to dance to ska and bluebeat. And there was no question why I used to abandon my hippy roots for The Marque or where ever we were going that night ... it was such fun.

Sort of a hybrid mod and hippy. A moppy or mippy???

Anyway, Desmond Dekker is playing now, the feet start tapping and the hands curl up. How can you resist the beat.

Desmond Dekker who sadly died a few months ago

And a few clips to listen to

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Just a general what am I listening to music thread

To get this blog started again. I'm too sleepy to say anything about the music really and I haven't got time anyway.

Soon I'll be starting off threads that will drive our board's members up the wall with possibly the exception of Beach and Kristi cause they will all be about music.

What r ur favourite albums
What r ur favourite songs
What r ur least favourite albums
Whar r ur least favourite songs.

I'm sure I'll think of muur as time goes on.

Am just going to fetch WMP up and play some music.

Listening to the best of Buffalo Springfield and'll have it playing while I get things together for the morning.

Friday, April 07, 2006



Wednesday, March 29, 2006

do not delete this blog

Friday, March 24, 2006

My blogs

I have four blogs now. Two here that can be found on my profile.

There's this one Drifting Through Space

And, A Place In Thyme

And,Lemuures Can Blog

(which, ofcourse they can)

over at

and a new blog at a different site which I'm not sure how I'll use at the moment. I set it up while Blogger was down and I don't want to delete it.

It's here, but isn't being used at the moment.


I haven't been reacting to music over the past week or so. But it's coming back through.

Not that I've much energy to do much as I still feel ill but dance is back in my mind. And, my hands are much more expressive than they were before the last week.

Brimful of Asha is playing now.


Earl Scruggs Review

I have blogged about the 1970's albums by the Earl Scruggs Review a few times, though I guess I'll have probably deleted some of it somewhere down the line.

I bought the 1st album. The reviews of the album had been pretty bad but when I saw the album and read the sleeve notes I felt really interested. And bought it. Played it and really loved it. It's country, though not as conventional as the 2nd album. I never heard the 2nd album at the time, infact it was a mystery to me until a few days ago. I did know that it got better reviews than the 1st one though. But, for some reason I never got round to listening to it. As it turns out I much prefer the album I had, though there are sure some nice songs on the 2nd one too.

When LPs turned into cds I hoped that the album I had would be released as a cd. Eventually just so that I could hear the music again. It didn't happen though. When I started blogging I'd talk at length about this every so often because there still wasn't a cd of the music out. Could hear some of it on a compilation album but that was it.

Anyway, last Saturday, I went into the local FOPP and while browsing through the cds saw there was one in the Earl Scruggs section, picked it out, and it was the two albums I'd wanted on one cd. It's been released by a small UK firm in Cambridge.

Link to their page. People like Bob Dylan and Joan Baez are on the albums.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Walked in to start blog

Just pottered in to start this new blog with its first post.

Hi there.